Monday, January 28, 2008

Busy with blogging!

goodness! now i'm challenging my multi-tasking, or rather, multi-blogging competency!

well, busy busy like a bee lately. why? cos I'm starting a parenting club for parents! finally, my wish has come true!

been wanting to do something like this, you know, like meeting fellow parents with children of about same age... like those mummies and daddies of Summer's classmates! then, didn't know how to go about doing it, whether people would trust you or not and most of all, in what capacity was i gonna do that??! yikes!

so you can imagine my excitement when the family life champion thingy came along and well, after the 'powderful' injection of creative juices and empowerment (yep, that's the catalyst!) @ OBS, here it is, the first project of mine.... Interactive Parenting Club (I.P.C.) is formed.

With the support of my kampong (KCC) and my families, i started alone, but now with several other like-minded parents, I am not lonely anymore! hurray!

Do check out the links on the right... help to spread the word around for the club, and if you are a parent yourself, come join us! we chit chat, play with children, organise outings, learn from experts and not-so-experts too, we learn from mistakes and experiences, and most of all, we spur one another on the journey of parenting!

fingers tired now.... neeeeeed a rest! phew! c ya!