Thursday, January 31, 2008

thank you, Summer

Oh dear, this morning i almost shot my mouth off at Summer, who so kindly took my shoes from the cabinet, and undid my buckles so that I could put them on easily! But I didn't have to undo my shoe buckles in order to put my shoes on!!

I almost snapped at her cos we were running late but LUCKILY I bit my tongue in time, and thanked her for her kind gesture instead.

On the way to work, I kept thinking how I almost scolded her for undoing my buckles, and how that would be so un-called for. I also count my blessings for having Summer, so thoughtful and sweet, she is sometimes so considerate and passionate that I would LOVE to think she must have inherited those genes from ME! wahahaha....

"Thanking our children must be one of those very important lessons we must learn. Don't take them for granted."