Wednesday, August 01, 2007

great ways to say i love you

The best ways to say "I love you" are usually in simple, everyday, seemingly unimportant ways. Leo Buscaglia, who wrote and taught about love, said "Words and deeds that say 'You enrich my life' go on forever."

Here are some suggestions to get your own creative juices flowing so that your love for one another will go on forever.

• Make sure you say "I Love You" at least once each day to your spouse.
• Write love notes... and hide them in unexpected locations (e.g. inside pockets, on top of computer keyboard etc)!
• Give your spouse an unexpected hug, a surprisingly romantic kiss, or a teasing tickle often.
• Listen not just hear. Listen with your heart as well...
• Tell your spouse why you love him/her.
• Give the gift of your time by performing trivial chores for your spouse, such as folding the clothes, running an errand, washing the car, etc.
• Don't forget anniversaries and birthdays.
• Smile.
• Dance with your spouse in your own living room.
• Make a date and watch a video together.
• Hold hands and lock fingers.

Seem easy? Try them... it's always a joy to see your loved-ones being loved! ;)

"Have you brought joy to your family today?"