Thursday, August 02, 2007

Convocation - post record dialogue

Summer: "Mummy, when I graduate, remember to bring Sheryn to run to the TV outside, and clap your hands, ok?"

Mummy: "Huh?"

Summer: "Yah, just like what we did at Gu-gu's graduation ceremony..."
Mummy: "Oh... But Summer, if you are the graduand, I defintely want to go inside the auditorium to cheer for you, not sit outside lah! And we'll invite everyone to be there too!"
post-script: Due to insufficient entry invitation, only my parents-in-law, my hubby and Ning's BF entered the auditorium. Summer and I waited outside, and viewed the live telecast (can you believe it?!) on the TV. Yes, you guessed right, we ran to the TV and clapped and cheered for Ning when her name was announced! hahaha...