Thursday, August 23, 2007

Elephant (with spots!)

Daddy drew an Elephant, and Summer filled in the "patterns"! haha...

Thumb-sucking Contest??

So, who will win the "Cutest Thumb-sucking" Contest??

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Summer's FairyLand

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Sheryn and Daddy

I think Sheryn's daddy was indeed pleasantly surprised by our visit this afternoon.

He misses her as much as she misses him... ooohhh...

Surprise visit, and we had fun too!

Brought our 2 princesses to Suntec City to "surprise" my hubby at lunch-time today. Auntie Susan gave Summer a bag with $10 inside, then told her she could buy anything that she wanted. Summer settled for a $2 beach toys set (What a steal, hehe!) and also paid for a new laundry basket for ma-ma's house, lastly with her remaining money, she treated us all to Green Tea Ice Cream cones. Yummy! She is generous, i tell you! hehee....

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jindabyne: Charity Movie Premiere 21 Sep 07

So blessed! Family Life Centre has been selected as the beneficiary for the Charity Movie Premiere to be held on 21 September 2007 (Friday) @ GV VivoCity. All donors and guests will be treated to a cocktail reception at 7.30pm before the movie starts at 9pm. Each ticket costs $50 only, and 100% of the proceeds GO TO support the good works of Family Life Centre (find out what FLC does :
You can also read up on this acclaimed Australian movie at this link:

Catch the trailer here

Come on, do a good deed today! Buy a ticket and be treated to makan and movie! ;)

Monday, August 06, 2007

Cousins in Australia

our very dear cousins, who are so far away, in Australia...

Don't they just look like a very beautiful post card or advertisement...

Gayl, Ryan and Grace, all the best to you guys, in whatever you do!

Missing you...from all of us in Singapore...

The Rose

Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower, and you, it's only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
Just remember that in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed, that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.
~ hubby recently bought an album, sang by a pretty sweet Singaporean girl- Olivia, who did the recording in Japan. One of the ballads in the album is The Rose... very, very nice... suitable for slow dance with your loved one... ;)

Sunday, August 05, 2007


My cousins ... ... all so lovely!
I love this photo!
2nd uncle and his beloved 3 children... always an envy for all! ;)

4th August - Birthday Party of 3

The birthday gals and one little birthday boy!

Guess how young they are??? =)

Friday, August 03, 2007

Kenn: "Hello hello..."

Sis is unwell, and hasn't seen Kenn for 2 days liao... So we asked Kenn Kenn to telephone his Mummy lor! hehe... Nice poses eh?

Now you see it, now you don't!

Can't believe this! Summer showed us her magic of "The Disappearing Star" last night, and we were so amused by her! You're SENSATIONAL, Summer, way to go! =)

p/s: Summer admitted that she had watched someone performed such tricks on the TV, and that's where she picked it up. W O W... ...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

love letter to Summer

To my darling Summer,

I'm writing this love letter to you because I feel that you've been a wonderful help by entertaining your little cousin Kenn, and sister Sheryn.

Everyday after school, you'd come back to gong-gong's home, and cheer up the two little babies. Without fail, you'd make funny faces, or call out their names, and play with them and make them laugh. You told me that you love to see them laugh! How sweet of you, really!

I hope you know that we are all very proud of you too, when you accomplish what you had promised - by finishing your food, and to remember your manners when speaking with adults.

You are eager to please mummy and mama, and also mama-Irene and mama-Susan, I know. I've already told mama-Susan that you finished your food very quickly. You reminded me again, this morning, to announce to mama-Irene and mama-Susan that you could wear your socks and shoes by yourself. I will tell them, darling.

Remember that we all love you very much!

hugs and kisses,
2nd August 2007

Convocation - post record dialogue

Summer: "Mummy, when I graduate, remember to bring Sheryn to run to the TV outside, and clap your hands, ok?"

Mummy: "Huh?"

Summer: "Yah, just like what we did at Gu-gu's graduation ceremony..."
Mummy: "Oh... But Summer, if you are the graduand, I defintely want to go inside the auditorium to cheer for you, not sit outside lah! And we'll invite everyone to be there too!"
post-script: Due to insufficient entry invitation, only my parents-in-law, my hubby and Ning's BF entered the auditorium. Summer and I waited outside, and viewed the live telecast (can you believe it?!) on the TV. Yes, you guessed right, we ran to the TV and clapped and cheered for Ning when her name was announced! hahaha...

Singapore Pledge??

Yep! The patriotic Summer, just learnt to recite the National Pledge. The school has taught her well!? haha...

"We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, ...... "

Summer's Flower Garden

This is Julia, Summer's favourite soft toy. (and she says that Julia is her darling daughter too.)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Convocation of our Super Star - Ning

Whoa! Ning's convocation, finally!

Congrats, Ning! Way to go! =)

great ways to say i love you

The best ways to say "I love you" are usually in simple, everyday, seemingly unimportant ways. Leo Buscaglia, who wrote and taught about love, said "Words and deeds that say 'You enrich my life' go on forever."

Here are some suggestions to get your own creative juices flowing so that your love for one another will go on forever.

• Make sure you say "I Love You" at least once each day to your spouse.
• Write love notes... and hide them in unexpected locations (e.g. inside pockets, on top of computer keyboard etc)!
• Give your spouse an unexpected hug, a surprisingly romantic kiss, or a teasing tickle often.
• Listen not just hear. Listen with your heart as well...
• Tell your spouse why you love him/her.
• Give the gift of your time by performing trivial chores for your spouse, such as folding the clothes, running an errand, washing the car, etc.
• Don't forget anniversaries and birthdays.
• Smile.
• Dance with your spouse in your own living room.
• Make a date and watch a video together.
• Hold hands and lock fingers.

Seem easy? Try them... it's always a joy to see your loved-ones being loved! ;)

"Have you brought joy to your family today?"

Hello, are you listening... actively?

An important skill for parents to master is "active listening."
When parents listen actively, they send children the message that they are important enough to have the parent's undivided attention.
Many problems can be solved and even prevented when parents take the time to use active listening.
Importantly, when a parent is an active listener, he/she is able to guide children to solve problems for themselves.

Here are the steps to master this skill:
Stop what you are doing. Look at your child.
Give your full attention, listen to what is said.
Comment on what you think you heard.

Happy listening, folks!

Let's eat Chee Cheong Fun

Introducing Summer's favourite food - Chee Cheong Fun! Yummy yummy!