Monday, February 02, 2009

i'm back! What, it's already 2009!?!

It's been a long long while, i know. that's the beauty of blog...electronically. all memories are kept intact...

been busy with work.

and i almost had no time for friends at all. except the grassroots, perhaps.

not gone for yoga for more than six months, but been paying thru the nose for membership. sigh. waste of money lor. where was the commitment? but when i had the time, i'd really rather go back home and see the gals.

was talking to a fellow-parent (daddy), and talking about the struggle of a working mother.

felt terrible as i shared the heartache of not seeing the gals as often as i wished. can really feel the distanced 'bond' with sheryn, unlike what i had with summer. then again, it's the strong commitment to work now, rather than a matter of spending within limits and getting on with single income instead. we're lucky the childcare centre they both go to doesn't charge a bomb for services, if not... can 'die'!

what with all the economy downturn crises here and there.... no one is spending and helping the worse-off...

it's so different. and difficult. not that it was any much easier previously. but the orgn is facing some unforeseen difficulties and sometimes it just makes me pull my hair! sigh.

last week, landlord of office wanted to increase rental by almost $800! goodness!... what are they thinking... by this week, some concrete plans would have to be made. either stay or gotta relocate! more evenings and weekends may be burnt then. sigh sigh sigh.

it's easy to post a blog and sigh, than to really heave out a sigh.
missed sheryn's growth developments, really. last night as she slept on her little bed, she sat up at least 4 times, to ... kiss me and said "mummy, love you."
and each time, i cherished it so much more, as i returned her kisses. she wouldn't see my tears in the darkness.

time flies, sheryn's gonna be two years old this month. i missed out two years already. how many more is it gonna be?

my new year resolution has to be spend more time with the kids. summer is growing fast too, passed 5 already, and asking lots of questions about life and reality. no time to lose.

mm... and this year is our 9th wedding anniversay too! wow... i knew dear dear for (lemme count....) 22 years already! if possible, i shall give him a surprise this anniversary. haha...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

our family portrait - mar 08

2 Jiu's birthday party - candid shots!

Monday, May 12, 2008

parents' day too 'commercialised'?!

Yep, i know, Mothers' Day is just over, and Fathers' Day will be coming in June... on 15th June, to be exact.

My parents are always telling us not to spend money on such commercialised celebrations.

But you know, when you see people around celebrating and treating parents to lavish makan sessions... hmmm... you wonder if your parents may feel neglected...?

This year, sis and i initiated a gathering for all first cousins and uncles/aunts (brothers, and brothers-in-law of my mum) at a cousin's condo, and we brought food and gathered together. Very nice of another cousin who bought a cake to mark the occasion! Very nice group photographs were taken, and we had such a good time.... I think it's the first big gathering ever since ah-gong passed away... I know mum must be missing ah-mah and ah-gong this time...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Summer's public dance performance!

This photo was taken after the second public dance performance @ Ngee Ann Primary School.
These are Summer's class teachers and childcare centre director, namely (from left): teacher Eileen, ms Kelly and Guo Laoshi (teacher Quek).

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Reunion Dinner - 4 Feb 08

Monday, February 04, 2008

Gong Xi Gong Xi @ Chai Chee

my new-found god-daughter.....! can't imagine we actually clicked so well! hahaha... had loads of fun with e & z around! simply high..... higher than the lion dance!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Long long ago

A song i've not heard for so long... miss it...

Tell me the tales that to me were so dear,
Long, long ago, long, long ago,
Sing me the songs I’m delighted to hear,
Long, long ago, long ago,
Now you are come all my grief is removed,
Let me forget that so long you have roved.
Let me believe that you love as you loved,
Long, long ago, long ago.

Do you remember the paths where we met?
Long, long ago, long, long ago.
Ah, yes, you told me you'd never forget,
Long, long ago, long ago.
Then to all others, my smile you preferred,
Love, when you spoke, gave a charm to each word.
Still my heart treasures the phrases I heard,
Long, long ago, long ago.

Tho' by your kindness my fond hopes were raised,
Long, long ago, long, long ago.
You by more eloquent lips have been praised,
Long, long ago, long, long ago,
But, by long absence your truth has been tried,
Still to your accents I listen with pride,
Blessed as I was when I sat by your side.
Long, long ago, long ago.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

thank you, Summer

Oh dear, this morning i almost shot my mouth off at Summer, who so kindly took my shoes from the cabinet, and undid my buckles so that I could put them on easily! But I didn't have to undo my shoe buckles in order to put my shoes on!!

I almost snapped at her cos we were running late but LUCKILY I bit my tongue in time, and thanked her for her kind gesture instead.

On the way to work, I kept thinking how I almost scolded her for undoing my buckles, and how that would be so un-called for. I also count my blessings for having Summer, so thoughtful and sweet, she is sometimes so considerate and passionate that I would LOVE to think she must have inherited those genes from ME! wahahaha....

"Thanking our children must be one of those very important lessons we must learn. Don't take them for granted."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Busy with blogging!

goodness! now i'm challenging my multi-tasking, or rather, multi-blogging competency!

well, busy busy like a bee lately. why? cos I'm starting a parenting club for parents! finally, my wish has come true!

been wanting to do something like this, you know, like meeting fellow parents with children of about same age... like those mummies and daddies of Summer's classmates! then, didn't know how to go about doing it, whether people would trust you or not and most of all, in what capacity was i gonna do that??! yikes!

so you can imagine my excitement when the family life champion thingy came along and well, after the 'powderful' injection of creative juices and empowerment (yep, that's the catalyst!) @ OBS, here it is, the first project of mine.... Interactive Parenting Club (I.P.C.) is formed.

With the support of my kampong (KCC) and my families, i started alone, but now with several other like-minded parents, I am not lonely anymore! hurray!

Do check out the links on the right... help to spread the word around for the club, and if you are a parent yourself, come join us! we chit chat, play with children, organise outings, learn from experts and not-so-experts too, we learn from mistakes and experiences, and most of all, we spur one another on the journey of parenting!

fingers tired now.... neeeeeed a rest! phew! c ya!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pink-Toe... our new family member

We went for a bear-making workshop @ Esplanade last Sunday. Summer chose this pink bear (goes without saying!), and she named her Pink-Toe. See, there's even a Birth Certificate! Welcome to the Ho Ho Ho family, Pink-Toe! (I had to spend money buying this little T-shirt for Pink-Toe, cos it's printed with "Ho Ho Ho" ! Oh, just couldn't resist it! hehe....)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cute kidz...

Summer's Art Work II

Girl in skates! A snake!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sheryn - budding ballerina??

The Right Step - Ballet Concert

More Birthday Treats!
For 2 nights (5 & 6 Dec), Summer attended a Ballet Concert @ Victoria Theatre, performed by students of Kampong Chai Chee CC Ballet Classes.
She was so thrilled by the hip-hop dances too! haha.... the little ones are so cuuuuuute!
p/s: Summer came home walking about in "tip-toes" whenever she remembers the ballet dancers she saw... =)

Birthday present from mama Helen

Thank you for the gift, mama Helen!

Summer's Birthday Treat @ IKEA

an ice-cream treat from Auntie @ Smales Counter... hehe

Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas @ Marina Square

Thursday, December 06, 2007

* Summer & the Disney Princesses *

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Summer to Johor