Thursday, August 25, 2005

Pacifier "has gone to work"

I was reading a parenting article just now, about how to help your child wean off a pacifier... And I recalled how I was warned not to let Summer use a pacifier, 'cos it's exasperating trying to wean it off.

Well, thing is, we'd offered Summer a pacifier (kinda like "for fun") when she was about 4 mths old,and she'd REFUSED it! We laughed it off. It was about 6 or 7 months, when she was teething and had discomfort that we offered it to her again. This time, she appreciated it! Fondly, we all started to name it "du-du".

However by the time Summer was 11 months or so, we decided to wean off the "du-du".

First day, she looked high and low for "du-du", and started to wail... I couldn't take it any longer....and gave in.

Second day, before her afternoon nap, she started to look for "du-du" frantically. I'd hidden "du-du", and finally, she managed to fall asleep after a fruitless search.

Then came the third day, I hoped Summer would be as tired and quickly go to sleep... Noooo...she didn't do that..... Here she asked again, "Mummy, du-du.." "Mm..Summer, where has du-du gone?" (in the same tone I ask her where daddy has gone.) And guess her answer? "Du-du has gone to work." YES! That's it! =) "Yes darling, du-du has gone to work. Now, let's sleep..."

And the rest was history.

Yes, envy me, 3 days was all I took for Summer to wean off her Pacifier! Hooray!!!!!! Well done, Summer!

Lotsa lurve,
Mummy of Summer