Monday, February 02, 2009

i'm back! What, it's already 2009!?!

It's been a long long while, i know. that's the beauty of blog...electronically. all memories are kept intact...

been busy with work.

and i almost had no time for friends at all. except the grassroots, perhaps.

not gone for yoga for more than six months, but been paying thru the nose for membership. sigh. waste of money lor. where was the commitment? but when i had the time, i'd really rather go back home and see the gals.

was talking to a fellow-parent (daddy), and talking about the struggle of a working mother.

felt terrible as i shared the heartache of not seeing the gals as often as i wished. can really feel the distanced 'bond' with sheryn, unlike what i had with summer. then again, it's the strong commitment to work now, rather than a matter of spending within limits and getting on with single income instead. we're lucky the childcare centre they both go to doesn't charge a bomb for services, if not... can 'die'!

what with all the economy downturn crises here and there.... no one is spending and helping the worse-off...

it's so different. and difficult. not that it was any much easier previously. but the orgn is facing some unforeseen difficulties and sometimes it just makes me pull my hair! sigh.

last week, landlord of office wanted to increase rental by almost $800! goodness!... what are they thinking... by this week, some concrete plans would have to be made. either stay or gotta relocate! more evenings and weekends may be burnt then. sigh sigh sigh.

it's easy to post a blog and sigh, than to really heave out a sigh.
missed sheryn's growth developments, really. last night as she slept on her little bed, she sat up at least 4 times, to ... kiss me and said "mummy, love you."
and each time, i cherished it so much more, as i returned her kisses. she wouldn't see my tears in the darkness.

time flies, sheryn's gonna be two years old this month. i missed out two years already. how many more is it gonna be?

my new year resolution has to be spend more time with the kids. summer is growing fast too, passed 5 already, and asking lots of questions about life and reality. no time to lose.

mm... and this year is our 9th wedding anniversay too! wow... i knew dear dear for (lemme count....) 22 years already! if possible, i shall give him a surprise this anniversary. haha...