Thursday, May 31, 2007

a little prayer... hehehe

what more can i say....

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sheryn in the bath! oops!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Sheryn - 3 mths old

Sheryn at 3 months old. Look at her sweet smile!
Way to go, Sheryn!
I love you! =)


I simply adore Summer... for all the love she's showering on Sheryn...

Having a sister of my own, I can't agree any stronger that a sister is indeed the Best Friend that I can ever have.

Enjoy your sisterhood, Summer and Sheryn!

Lots of Love,


I'm B_A_C_K!

Gosh! Time flies! It's been some time since I last posted! And guess what! We have a new addition to our family now! hehe....
Introducing Sheryn... she's 3 months old now. And that's her che-che Summer, all so excited about her little mei-mei!